Outdoor Recreational Excursions: Though our in-house activities encourage socialization amongst peers, Eric’s House also provides off-site tours and excursions for individuals inclined towards more physical activities. The outings we schedule are planned for the purpose of bettering each individual’s social skills outside of Eric’s House within the community. These activities promote proper social etiquette and are a chance to take their life skills lessons outside of the classroom and into the community. Not only are these outings educational, but they are also safe, fun, and exciting ways for our clients to experience new things and the educational adventures Calgary has to offer.
In House
A large part of our goal to educate and build confidence in our clients includes socializing everyone in a positive community and creating a safe space for them to have fun! Our in-house entertainment such as our theatre, swings, music and dance therapy, and games are meant to make our clients comfortable and to keep them looking forward to their days spent with us. Our various socializing and enrichment exercises are comprised of life skills classes, music therapy sessions, and physical therapies to help keep our clients’ bodies and minds healthy while encouraging them to thrive in their communities.